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Privacy policy







What data are collected?

The data collected in the contact form are:

Your surname *
Your first name *
Your company
Your e-mail address *
Your phone number


Why are these data collected?

The information collected through the contact form is only intended for the processing of your request.

The fields followed by an asterisk (*) are mandatory information that we will need to answer you.


Who will process your personal data?

Your data will only be processed by the staff authorized to respond to your request, i.e.:

- the administrative department,

- and, if necessary, the scientific staff who may handle your specific requests (requests for financial estimates, scientific counselling, commercial relations)


How long your data will be kept in our records?

Your data will be kept during 6 months.

However, in the context of commercial and/or contractual relations, the data will be kept as long as the commercial and/or contractual exchanges will be running.


What are your rights?

You have the right to access, rectify, delete or limit the processing of your data.

You can object to the processing of your data, and have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, by sending us an e-mail.