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News 2021

Article published: Highly processed foods, a useful concept, but poorly used

V. Braesco
Pratiques en nutrition 2021; 17(66):12–7.

The concept of highly processed foods, which would benefit from being better defined, can play a salutary role as a spur to manufacturers to improve their products, consumers to be more attentive to their diet and scientists to better understand the relationship between food and health. It is not desirable for anyone that it should be simply reduced to a systematic criticism of industrial food products.

Read the article here :


EFSA : Public Consultation on its draft Scientific Opinion on the Tolerable Upper Intake level for dietary sugars

EFSA has opened for Public Consultation its draft Scientific Opinion on the Tolerable Upper Intake level for dietary sugars. 

Overall, the Panel concludes that available data do not allow the setting of a UL or a safe level of intake for added or free sugars, but considers that the intake of added and free sugars should be as low as possible.

The Panel notes, however, that at levels of added or free sugars intake below 10% of energy uncertainty is high regarding the shape and direction of the relationships between added and free sugars intake and the risk of metabolic diseases.

This rich 350-pages document is open for Public Consultation up to September 30th, and an on-line meeting is scheduled on September 21st.  

VAB-nutrition may provide its expertise on this topic to support your potential contributions.

Author: V. Braesco. July 2021
More information:


EFSA : Updated guidance documents available

EFSA has released, on March 27th, a series of updated guidance documents addressing the preparation and  submission of a range of applications, including for health claims, for novel foods, foods for medical purposes, etc. Available in the volume 19, issue3 of the EFSA Journal, dated March 2021. 

More information:
March 2021



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